Purple Files: Stargate
As part of the Costumed Gathering at National Science Week 2006, some of the Costumer's Guild members attended the "Little Green Men' movie night at the SA Museum. ( Details can be found on the Shuttle Mawson 's Club News page of http://www.shuttlemawson.com ) I won tickets for Terra Nova.

This year the guests were from StarGate, so I got together some costumes. Left.
We also bought black sleeveless jackets (which are great for carrying everything!)

The badges were bought off ebay. (and we maanged to get the last one at the con).
The local camping store supplied the army greens and boots
I must admit, this is one of the most comfortable costumes I have ever worn... and I didn't have to slave over the sewing machine!!!.
Many of the Australian Costumer's Guild members attended also. Here we all are: 

Other pics from the Convention:

Tony Amendola (Master Bra'tak- SG1) and Rachel Luttrell (Teyla- SG Atlantis).  a new Costumers guild member... Hayley and friend. Martial arts and defence display 

Websites with more pics and info on Stargate costumes:

All intellectual content, photos and layout are copyright to La Signora Onorata Katerina da Brescia (K Carlisle), except those original renaissance artworks and extant articles whose copyright remains with the current owner.

If you would like to use something from this site, please contact me, and cite this website reference.
August, 2006